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Art by Karim. |
Table: Additional Beginning Equipment
01-02 Sharpened stick+, 1d3/1d5, 1c
03-04 Wooden staff, 1d4, 3c
05-06 Wooden spear, 1d6, 6c
07-09 Wooden club, 1d4, 3c
10 Wooden greatclub*, 1d6, 10c
11-13 Stone dagger+, 1d4/1d10, 3c
14 Stone axe, 1d6, 10c
15-16 Stone spear, 1d8, 21c
17 Warclub*, 1d10, 28c
19 Greatspear*, 1d12, 36c
20 Blowgun and 1d12 darts+, 1d3/1d5, 4c
21-22 Sling, 1d4, 2c
23 Shortbow and 1d12 arrows*, 1d6, 30c
24 Longbow and 1d12 arrows*, 1d8, 52c
25 Bundle of 1d6 darts, 1c
26 Bundle of 1d6 arrows, 5c
27-28 Bison horn headdress, +1AC, 10c
29 Antler headdress, +1AC, 10c
30-31 Leather shield*, +1AC, 10c
32 Stretched-hide tower shield*, +2AC, 20c
33-34 Heavy woven cloak**, +1AC, 10c
35-36 Fur cloak**, +2AC, 20c
37-38 Hide armor**, +3AC, 30c
39 Leather boots, 20c
40-41 1 lb Fresh meat, 2c
42 1 lb Dried meat, 4c
43-44 1 lb Fresh fruit/vegetables, 1c
45 1 lb Dried fruit/vegetables, 2c
46 String of 1d6 fresh fish, 5c
47 Chicken, 5c
48-50 Waterskin, 1c
51 Leather rucksack, 2c
52 Woven back-basket, 2c
53 Clay bowl, 5c
54 Clay jar/jug, 10c
55 Clay pot/urn, 15c
56-57 Unfinished fur pelt, 5c
58-59 Unfinished leather hide, 5c
60-61 Unfinished woven cloth, 10c
62 Woven blanket, 20c
63-64 Flint firestarter, 5c
65-67 Bundle of 1d3 resin-soaked branches (as torches), 3c
68 Bundle of firewood, 3c
69 Sheaf of 1d6 blank birchbark pages, 10c
70-71 50' Hide cordage, 5c
72 50' Hemp rope, 10c
73-74 Knapping stone, 5c
75 Bone awl and stone scraper, 10c
76 Bone needle and sinew thread, 10c
77 Flint fishhook and 10' sinew line, 5c
78 Waterproof air bladder (from adult bison), 10c
79 Conch shell horn, 25c
80 Lyre, 50c
81 Shell necklace, 20c
82 Bone necklace, 10c
83 Bear claw necklace, 20c
84 Small bag of seashells, 40c
85 Small bag of colorful rocks/gemstones, 50c
86 Jar of paint/dye, 35c
87 Radioactive "sick rock" necklace (+1 radburn/glowburn, wearer gains DCC corruption once/level), 50c
88 Mutant bodypart trophy necklace, 50c
89 Manimal pelt trophy cloak**, +1AC, 100c
90 Dried plantient trophy shield, +1AC, 100c
91 Small circuit board, 50c
92-93 Small Ancient trinket of judge's choice, 50c
94 Large circuit board, 100c
95-96 Large ancient trinket of judge's choice, 100c
97 Wolf pup - 1d3 bite (HD 1d4, matures DCC common wolf at 1st level), 50c
98 Elk calf - 1d4+2 slam (HD 3d6, matures to DCC horse at 1st level), 100c
99 Spider-goat kid 2d3 slam (HD 4d4, matures to MCC capropod at 1st level), 100c
00 Telepathic pet ear-mouse - 1d3 bite (matures to DCC neutral wizard's familiar and bonds with owner at 1st level), 250c
* Characters using two-handed weapons use a d16 on initiative checks. Shields cannot be used with two-handed weapons.
** Characters wearing a woven cloak or fur cloak roll a d8 Fumble die. Characters wearing hide armor roll a d12 Fumble die.
+ These weapons are particularly effective when used with the element of surprise. A ranger or rover who succeeds in attacking a target from behind or when the target is otherwise unaware with one of these weapons uses the second damage value listed. All other characters and other attacks use the first value.
Characters who eat fresh food do not need water for the day; character who eat dried food need a separate water ration. However, fresh food is subject to spoilage.
In retrospect, I wish I'd specified that anything that provides armor (horned headdress, shield) adds +1 to your fumble die, in addition to the increase from wearing cloak or armor. (And really, the antler headdress or tower shield should probably add +2.) Oh well, consider that an optional house rule.
I should probably also write a list of very basic services and their cred value as well. In a way, the goods are like services, in that they're the end-product of someone doing the work to make the finished good. I suppose it's as Marx said, that all capital is just concretized labor, just in a more immediate sense than we're typically used to seeing today. The most common service you'll pay for of course is extra guards, porters, and foragers to accompany you on your quest.
Is 47 alive or is it meat?