Friday, October 5, 2018

GFA18 - Alternate Mutants for MCC

My third 2018 Gongfarmer's Almanac article is an alternate list of cosmetic mutation for mutant characters (or whenever else you need one, like if your starting equipment includes an animal). I've previously discussed my concern with MCC's mutations, and this was an attempt to create a list that accomplished what I said I wanted. While I didn't want the list to be too long, I also didn't want anyone reading it to immediately say "but what about ... ?" as their first thought after reading it. I also tried to organize it so that the mutations get weirder the higher numbers you roll. Keith Garret edited this article, and Karim drew the art that accompanies the whole series in the GFA.
Table: Mutant Appearance (roll 1d24)
1-3   Skin Color - Roll 1d10: (1) bright red; (2) neon orange; (3) lemon yellow; (4) neon green; (5) bright blue; (6) purple; (7) snow white; (8) metallic (roll 1d2: (1) golden/bronze/brass; (2) silvery/leaden/steel); (9) translucent/invisible; (10) outré (roll 1d5: (1) infrared; (2) ulfire; (3) dolm; (4) jale; (5) ultraviolet).
4-5   Skin Texture - Roll 1d10: (1) mottled, spotted, or striped; (2) banded or segmented; (3) lumpy, warty, or wrinkly; (4) covered in fur or feathers; (5) covered in quills or spines; (6) covered in scales (roll 1d4: (1) fish; (2) amphibian; (3) reptilian; (4) pangolin); (7) chitinous; (8) shifting pattern indicates emotion; (9) inorganic material (roll 1d3: (1) metallic; (2) stony or rocky; (3) crystalline); (10) sheds completely once/day.
6-8   Eyes - Roll 1d8: (1) one; (2) three; (3) slitted or barbell pupil; (4) unnatural iris color (roll 1d6 on skin color subtable); (5) solid white or black; (6) glowing/fiery; (7) compound insect; (8) eye stalks (roll 1d2: (1) short stalks growing horizontally from temples; (2) long stalks growing vertically from forehead).
9-10   Mouth - Roll 1d10: (1) special diet of inorganic material; (2) sharp fanged teeth; (3) metallic or crystalline teeth; (4) manimal muzzle; (5) beak or duckbill; (6) extra long neck; (7) strange tongue (roll 1d3: (1) black; (2) forked; (3) extra long); (8) 2d4 pairs of facial appendages (roll 1d4: (1) cat whiskers; (2) tiny tentacles; (3) catfish barbels; (4) insect pedipalps); (9) horrible mouth (roll 1d4: (1) insect; (2) leech; (3) throat pouch or sac; (4) oversized with unhinged jaw); (10) two mouths (roll 1d3: (1) two rows of teeth; (2) second mouth below original on oversized chin; (3) second alien pharyngeal mouth emerges from throat).
11-12   Head - Roll 1d10: (1) pointed elfin ears; (2) manimal ears; (3) elongated nose; (4) manimal nose; (5) neanderthal brow ridges; (6) alien bone structure of forehead; (7) antennae; (8) manimal horns; (9) acephaly (no head, face on torso); (10) bicephaly (roll 1d3: (1) 1d3 extra faces on head; (2) 1d2 extra human heads; (3) 1d2 extra manimal heads).
13-15   Hair - Roll 1d8: (1) unnatural color (roll 1d6 on the skin color subtable); (2) otherworldly color (roll 1d4+6 on skin color subtable); (3) permanent impossible hairstyle; (4) glorious waist-length beard; (5) made of quills; (6) made of feathers; (7) made of petals or leaves; (8) hairless revealing oversized or oddly-shaped skull.
16-17   Arms and Hands - Roll 1d10: (1) three or four fingers per hand; (2) six or seven fingers per hand; (3) clawed fingernails; (4) manimal paw; (5) webbing between fingers; (6) pincer instead of hand; (7) giant hands or child hands; (8) elongated arms with second elbow; (9) extra arms (1d2 additional pairs); (10) tentacles (roll 1d2: (1) arms replaced by tentacles; (2) hands replaced by mass of tentacles).
18-19   Legs and Feet - Roll 1d10: (1) six or seven toes per foot; (2) hands instead of feet; (3) manimal paw feet; (4) hooves instead of feet; (5) bird talon feet; (6) flippers instead of feet; (7) backward bending knees; (8) elongated legs with second knee; (9) legs fused into single appendage; (10) tentacles (roll 1d2: (1) legs replaced by tentacles; (2) feet replaced by mass of tentacles).
20     Bodily form - Roll 1d8: (1) vestigial tail; (2) manimal tail; (3) decorated spine (roll 1d3: (1) sawtooth spikes; (2) sail crest; (3) bony plates); (4) serpentine; (5) spherical; (6) trilateral symmetry (arms and legs come in groups of three instead of pairs); (7) centaurian (four legs, upper body unaffected); (8) geometric body (roll 1d4: (1) cylinders and spheres; (2) cubes and rectangles; (3) pyramid; (4) dodecahedron).
21-22   Multiple mutations - Roll 1d20 twice on this table (if the same type is rolled twice, the mutant with have an asymmetric body that incorporates both appearances).
23     Multiple mutations - Roll 1d20 and 1d24 on this table (cumulative. If another result of 21+ is rolled, the mutant will have three or more mutations).
24    Multiple mutations - Roll 1d24 twice on this table.


  1. That is nice for a short table. Have you read The Metamorphica? The free version has plenty of ideas you could incorporate and the revised edition has a series of tables that remind me of the hoardling generator in the original Monster Manual II, but much longer (a few pages).

  2. I haven't seen The Metamorphica, but I'll try to check it out. Thanks for the tip, Derek!
